I remember growing up in Oregon and I had a huge family. Someone was always coming to visit and we'd have big family dinners on Sunday and the holiday's.
But after my father died that all changed. We were forced into selling our house in Cascade Locks and mom moved in with my sister and her family.
And then after mom died my sister and brother-in-law sold their house. I've been a single woman since 1980 and never remarried. It didn't bother me so much living in Alaska because I had alot of friends and callings in the LDS church. But living in Boise, Idaho? I feel so alone here.
And I rarely hear from family anymore. I sometimes think my family on the otherside love me more than the living ones do.
I know being overweight or obese is unhealthy for us. I've been overweight for sometime now but not nearly as heavy as these poor ladies. I think being overweight is more of an "emotional" issue rather than just genetics or poor eating habits or not enough exercise. When I was in high school I was always told I was too fat and I weighed appromately 140-150 pounds and at almost 5 feet 7 inches tall that wasn't fat at all. I think the abuse of family members and my ex-husband and boyfriends caused me to gain weight more than anything. When you are beaten with a belt by a brother it causes emotional issues. When your sister screams at you all night long she hopes you become a prostitute when you are just 19 it causes emotional issues. Or when you are married and your husband constantly puts you down and calls you an educated idiot, that you can't do anything right causes emotional issues. I know this is why I've gained my weight. But again I'm on ano
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