I sometimes go on my niece's blog because she is very creative & artistic. But when she mentioned on her blog that she makes her 20 year old senior cat sleep outside in the cold and snow that didn't set well with me. She has made it a box with a heating pad for the poor animal. She downloaded a picture of the cat and it looks half dead.
This is the same niece who many years ago said that I lived in darkness! Also commented last year that I was the obnoxious aunt noone could stand.
Now I know I'm not a perfect person, but abuse to animals and children is about as low as you can get. And then to pretend to be the perfect "Mormon" family.
This is why I became inactive in my church so many years because of people like them beating their kids and acting so innocent and self-righteous at church.
God forgive me for saying this! But I can't stand animal & children abusers!
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