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A New Year

Well a New Year is here and can't believe another year is upon us.  I had a pretty nice Christmas this year and was given many gifts I didn't expect. 

Such as a blouse and cookies left on my doorstep from "Santa Claus" and two books by Brother Pontius "Visions of Glory" and a book he'd written before he died of cancer in December 2012.  And the meat.  This was from my home-teacher and his wife.  Brother Rich has been so good to me and his wife too.  Left a bunch of food on my porch this past year too. 

I feel blessed to be part of the LDS church.  The Lord does watch out over his sheep in these last days. 

Sissy is doing fine and is fat and sassy.  I don't think I could love a cat more than I do this one.

My family have kind of forgotten me and sometimes it really hurts.  My sister Carolyn had Open Heart Surgery in November and I guess it was pretty serious.  It took about 5 hours for the surgery but she is still with us. 

My goals for this year are basically the same:

Food Storage

Going to the temple & scripture reading

Doing family history work

Getting more exercise and losing more weight


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