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Showing posts from January, 2014

Be my valentine

 Whether making cute homemade valentines or cupcakes in a pan, valentine's is kind of a fun time of year don't you think?

Being abusive to God's creatures

I sometimes go on my niece's blog because she is very creative & artistic.  But when she mentioned on her blog that she makes her 20 year old senior cat sleep outside in the cold and snow that didn't set well with me.  She has made it a box with a heating pad for the poor animal.  She downloaded a picture of the cat and it looks half dead.  This is the same niece who many years ago said that I lived in darkness!  Also commented last year that I was the obnoxious aunt noone could stand. Now I know I'm not a perfect person, but abuse to animals and children is about as low as you can get.  And then to pretend to be the perfect "Mormon" family.  This is why I became inactive in my church so many years because of people like them beating their kids and acting so innocent and self-righteous at church. God forgive me for saying this!  But I can't stand animal & children abusers! 

When I was a flapper

I had a bishop in Alaska tell me I needed a life.   He said this because I had made the mistake of asking for a food order in the richest state in the union, and richest church in the world: LDS.  He thought I should get a job when I've had cancer, diabetes, and a chronic lung disease.  A person who has worked most of her life and put herself through college. Did he know I used to love to dance?  When I was 21 I was in a roadshow in my church in Portland, Oregon and was a flapper.  My dad was dying of cancer that same year. 

Being a little more kind to others

Wouldn't it be nice if people could be a little kinder to one-another in this world?

Cute online crafts to make at home

 We used to have Super Saturday at church in Wasilla, Alaska.  We had so much fun at these craft fairs.  In my current ward at the Hillside Ward in Boise they just don't have much creativity I believe.  I asked to do the RS bulletin board and each month I have a theme.  I also photocopy copies of crafts and recipes for the ladies but because of copyright laws I can't do them at church.  So I've been making up newsletters to give to the letters and including pictures of crafts and recipes.  Who says that isn't creative?

When the whoremonger's came to town

 My beautiful niece Vanessa with her mother Sara.  Vanessa playing volleyball in school.  Vanessa working in a "Gentleman's Club" in Portland, Oregon.  She was bragging that she made $600 in one evening working as a stripper.  The men pictured look like whoremongers to me but a rap singers I guess.  She thinks working as a stripper is a pretty good occupation I guess taking her clothes off for a bunch of whoremonging men. 

Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day.  I don't know why.  Maybe because February is my birthday month or the cute little valentine bears?   Or perhaps the romantic poems and movies about valentines?  I remember years ago I dated someone named Bill Dobrinz in Washington State.  He worked in a restaurant and once called me to come to see him.  He'd gotten me a dozen red carnations for valentines.  How sweet can you get?  And when I went with Sidney Cates in Alaska he was always buying me flowers and sweets on valentines.  And then there was the visiting teacher I had in Anchorage who "hearted" my door and left me a pretty pink carnation by the door.  How sweet can you get you know?

Making fun of fat people

Yesterday I went to walmart to do a little shopping.  I've been using those handicap carts for sometime now because of old back & knee injuries plus I've been sick with the flu for sometime.  I am not nearly as heavy as these poor ladies and some black kid walked by and called me a fat woman.  I almost called him a "nigger" with an attitude problem, but two wrongs don't make a right.

Tom Jones - What's New Pussycat

My mother loved Tom Jones!  I love singing this to my cat Sissy Marie.  She looks at me like I'm half crazy though and probably thinking----"Oh pleaseeee!" 

A New Year

Well a New Year is here and can't believe another year is upon us.  I had a pretty nice Christmas this year and was given many gifts I didn't expect.  Such as a blouse and cookies left on my doorstep from "Santa Claus" and two books by Brother Pontius "Visions of Glory" and a book he'd written before he died of cancer in December 2012.  And the meat.  This was from my home-teacher and his wife.  Brother Rich has been so good to me and his wife too.  Left a bunch of food on my porch this past year too.  I feel blessed to be part of the LDS church.  The Lord does watch out over his sheep in these last days.  Sissy is doing fine and is fat and sassy.  I don't think I could love a cat more than I do this one. My family have kind of forgotten me and sometimes it really hurts.  My sister Carolyn had Open Heart Surgery in November and I guess it was pretty serious.  It took about 5 hours for the surgery but she is still with us....