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Living on the last frontier

I lived on the last frontier for 14 years a single woman. I had to endure alot living in Alaska: homelessness, illness, cancer, and waiting for buses in -40 degree weather. But since coming to Idaho there have been hardships too: losing most of my belongings in Alaska and having to start over, going without a car for over 6 months, and living where the temperature was 109 degrees just the other day. I think of what my ancestors must have endured such as my Great Grandmother Mary Shuster. Her husband Charles Keeler was killed in cold blood as a City Marshall in 1867 in The Dalles, Oregon. She remarried Fred Wickman and had eight more children. Charles & Mary's daughter Emma Keeler was my grandmother. What were Mary's thoughts as she walked the Oregon trail as a young girl? And how heartbroken she must have felt when her husband was murdered. I too lost a man I loved who was killed in the Vietnam war. Never had a family of my own or children. Often made fun of by family members and strangers too. I too knew the heartache of trying to make it alone in this world where there are vultures everywhere.


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