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I left my heart in San Francisco

I have a little story about San Francisco Trolly's. Well when I was 20 years old I had the opportunity to go to the Oakland Temple with a bunch of kids from the LDS church. My dad told me to be sure and visit San Francisco and Fisherman's Wharf if I had the chance. Well when dad was a young man he took my grandfather Jessie Strode to see his mother. His parents had divorced when he was a little boy. His mother stayed on in California while his dad moved to Washington State. Dad had an old Model T Ford and I guess it was too fast for Grandpa Jessie. He said--"Better slow down son." Anyway, I never got to see San Francisco or Fisherman's Wharf because someone had taken my suitcase at the temple. The kids got to take a tour but I was left at the temple site looking for that suitcase. Well years later when I went to Anchorage, Alaska I was made homeless by the man who brought me there. I was staying in this homeless shelter in Anchorage and every Saturday night we'd have Bingo games. Instead of winning money for prizes we won prizes. I won a little San Francisco trolley music box that plays "I left my heart in San Francisco." It's always put me in mind of my dad. Many times that little trolly would fall and break and my old boyfriend Sidney Cates would patiently glue it together. When my brother-in-law passed on it automatically turned on by itself! I still have my little trolley thank goodness and the Mormon women from Alaska hadn't had a chance of throwing it away for me. I just superglued it today!


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