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Helicopter pilots Vietnam war

To the man who fought in Vietnam

I was just 16 years old when I heard that you had died
In a place in South Vietnam.
You were just 23.

They just sent you home in a box
with a US flag over it
and buried you in a national cemetery
with all the other vets by your side.

You never came home like the others did
You never married me
or had children
I didn't even get to hug you or kiss you goodbye
I was just a kid when you died in Vietnam.

And through the years
I've missed you so
but felt you so much from the otherside
telling me to be strong, that you'll be with me and watch over me
I only wished you made it home.

It's been so hard in this cold, cold world
trying to make a living when I've been so sick
Being homeless and looking for work
with signs on doorways "we aren't hiring" everywhere.

I've been ridiculed when I went on disability
made fun of by church members as well
and people in my family.
At least it has given me a roof over my head
and food to eat.
But sometimes the cruelity and ugliness
really get to me.

The closer it gets to the second coming
The world has gotten just a little more cruel
When you died in that rice paddy
You left me alone
and to my own devices.

But I'm thankful for my Vietnam soldier
who is waiting for me on the otherside.
Someday we'll live in a better world
where war and greed will no longer be.

I miss you Johnny!


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