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Summer is officially here in Boise

Cathy called from Alaska to tell me it had gotten to be 70 degrees in Anchorage and a regular heatwave.  Well it's been in the low 90's here in Boise and it's a heatwave; I really can't take the heat like climbing three flights of stairs and trying to drag groceries up the stairs.  Neighbor kids who live in the apartments who are out having fun but scream at all hours.  And the barbeques.  Smoke coming into my apartment and I am allergic to all kinds of smoke.   Plus sweltering in my car that is usually 10 degrees hotter than outside. 

Summer is definately not my favorite time of year! 

And the grass isn't always greener on the otherside!

Niece Jacqueline with friends enjoying summertime in the gorge.
My niece Cindy Gunderson's grandchildren enjoying summer in Puget Sound.

A puppy dog getting her hair did at the beauty parlor.
Bratty kids just happy school is out!

Teachers happy that they don't have to put up with the hyperactive kids for three months!


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