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Showing posts from August, 2013

My nieces Sandra, Sara, & Candace

  Pictures of my cute nieces Sandra, Sara, and Candace. 

Nieces from Washington State (Christina's daughters)

These are pictures of my nieces Mikela & her sister from Washington.  I remember when Christina and her sister Sam were about the same ages. 

Nieces Candance & Alexandra

  Not sure who the one is on the right?  Sam?    Candance lost custody of her little girl Alexandra.  Didn't get to see her for almost nine months.  Her husband and his family doesn't care how they hurt Candance.  It's a sad thing to see. 
Spoilt rotten kids? Is it my imagination but since all of these abuse laws were enacted, parents are afraid to discipline their own kids! Hence, the screamers at Walmart and the bratty black kids where I live playing basketball at 2 in the morning! One man was so tired of listening to a kid at Walmart having a temper tantrum, that he took the kid out of the shopping cart and wailed the tar out of him! Guess who gets convicted? And the bus driver who left a bunch of screamers on the bus and just quit. Guess who lost his job!~