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Showing posts from September, 2017

Stinky old men

Everytime I go to the library it seems there is some stinky old man who sits by me who smells to high heavens.  Now I know there is no shame in being homeless, but there are plenty of places in Idaho one can take a bath:  rivers, streams, and homeless shelters. I think some men just don't care how they pollute the environment! 

More and more homeless families and children in America yet President Trumps cuts foodstamps

I guess homeless families, and children, and growing poverty in America doesn't concern a billionaire president who just recently cut foodstamps for America's poor. One out of five children in America today are homeless and hungry yet the richest president in America's history has cut foodstamps more than 1/2 for the nation's poor. And most of them are children. Funny how our government can build new missles, new ships, build a Berlin wall, and help the refugees all across America and yet allow America's most vunerable to go hungy. Shame on you Donald Trump, shame on you!

President Trump cuts foodstamps and threatens Medicaid for America's poorest, eldelry, and disabled

I think it is atrocious for our president to cut foodstamps for America's poor, elderly, disabled, children, and elderly. He wants to save money because of the National Debt.  There are more and more senior citizens living in poverty in America today.  The average senior citizen gets $10 a month in foodstamps. I have a neighbor who has no clue how she is going to make her electric payment and neither do I. They just cut my foodstamps to $45 a month here in Idaho.  I wonder how Donald Trump would be able to buy enough to eat on that?